Bachelor Program
All bachelor’s programs at Dunya University are strictly compatible with the Bologna Process and are thus an ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), with a minimum duration of 4 years (i.e. 8 semesters) and a maximum duration of 5 years on condition of acceptance by the management. To graduate, students need to have acquired 180 ECTS credits through courses and either an internship or a dissertation. Dunya University has two enrolments per year, in October and March. But it should be noted that Dunya University has the right to modify the precise dates.
The first two years are core courses to allow students to have acquired the basic knowledge of business management. The third-year will be dedicated to the specializations offered by Dunya University.
Key Points:
Accreditations and Recognitions: MoHE and ACBSP.
Duration: 4 Years
Faculty: International
Teaching language: English or Dari Section
Campus: Darul Aman Road & Shahr-e-Now
Economic faculty of Dunya University, is relying on innovation in scientific-research, expanding its undergraduate and graduate courses and have intent to establish doctoral programs, and its immediate aim is to transform as a standard department among the faculties of the university and other universities as whole, and in order to have contribution on sustainable development of the country the department will provide the ground for the recognition and accreditation of the university in the country as well as the region.
The mission of economic faculty of Dunya University is to provide standard educational services, facilitating quality based educational opportunities and nurturing the new generation as tomorrows specialized bureaucrats. In order to open new horizons the faculty is highly emphasizing on update professional research.
Master Programs
All master’s programs at Dunya University are strictly compatible with the Bologna Process and thus give rise to ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits. The program has a minimum duration of 2 years (i.e. 4 semesters, of which one semester is dedicated to the thesis) and a maximum duration of 3 years on condition of acceptance by the management.
The program covers two years; the first year of 60 credits is a common core curriculum and the second year of 60 credits is the year of specialization in the specific area of study. For the Master's program, a Bachelor’s degree is required, and professional experience will be considered in evaluating the application. To graduate, students need to have acquired 120 ECTS credits through courses and a thesis.
The Master's program at Dunya University has been designed specifically for students who want to acquire or improve the skills required in all areas of Public Administration, Finance and International Economics, Marketing, Leadership, International Banking Operations, and Human Resource Management.
Dunya University has two enrolments per year, in October and March. It should be noted that Dunya University has the right to modify the precise dates.
Key Points:
Accreditations and Recognitions: MoHE, ACBSP
Duration: 2 Years
Faculty: International
Teaching language: English or Dari Section
Campus: Shahr-e-Now