Bachelor in Political Science
General description:
Political scientists study government at all stages in their development, the process by which political decisions are made and various matters that affect government behavior. The specific subfields of the discipline include government and politics, comparative government and politics, international relations, political theory, public law, public administration, constitutional law, American foreign policy, public bureaucracy and the political process. The study of Political Science is of value in that everybody needs an understanding of the political system which governs their life. More than minimal knowledge of political systems, however, is required for those who aim for a career in government.
The program prepares for a career in government. However, a large number of skills can be used in other fields. These skills include critical thinking, research skills and analytical abilities.
The program covers in-depth the way states determine their foreign policy, their attitude in an increasingly complex globalized world, global governance and the way government operate.
Journalist, Research analyst or Policy analysis, Researcher in private companies, Government employee, employee in non-government organizations (NGO’s), Program Manager, Communications Officer with a government organization, Consultant, Academic.
Learning outcomes:
Understand the impact of globalization on national politics.
Be able to describe contemporary issues such as climatic warming, population changes, immigration.
Be able to analyze the factors determining the state’s authority and state collapse.
Be familiar with basic knowledge of the complex background of the state of political science today.